It’s definitely getting to be soup season here in Jerusalem, and likely where you live as well (if you don’t live in the tropics or the Southern Hemisphere). I pretty much only eat soup in the winter time (not counting cold soups, of course), so I figured this would be a good time to dive into a big pot of […]
Frugal Food Tips Drawn from the Jewish Kitchen
During the current crisis, many people’s day-to-day food habits have changed significantly. If my Facebook and Instagram feeds are at all representative, there’s been a lot more home cooking, and definitely lots more bread-baking (sourdough or otherwise). But another thing we’re seeing a lot of is people trying to make their food dollars go further. Multiple people this past week […]
Kosher Pork Chops and Other Crypto-Jewish Foods
One of the saddest chapters in Jewish history is also one of the more interesting on a gastronomic level. Following the forced conversions in 15th century Spain, and the Inquisition and subsequent Expulsion, many so-called New Christians secretly maintained Jewish beliefs. Practicing in secret to avoid arrest and torturous execution, they are now known as Crypto-Jews. (1)The better-known term Marrano […]
The Classic Jerusalem Dish That Stands Up Against The Insta-trends
So many eateries these days build their concepts on how well a dish photographs. Instagram has changed the way people eat, and even the way some restaurants cook. Call me crazy, but while looks are important, the way a food tastes is way more significant! That’s why it is good to know that true classics hold up in popularity, even […]
How an Unknown Herb Became Beans and Carrots, and Spawned Rosh Hashana “Dad Jokes” Galore
For a thousand years or more, Jews have used special symbolic foods on Rosh Hashana to augur good outcomes for the new year ahead. Over time those foods have grown more numerous, taking on multiple diverse meanings. This led to a situation where there are many more omen-laden foods associated with Rosh Hashana (the Jewish New Year) than any other […]
What Exploring Our Food Can Teach About Our People
To me, studying food is not an end in itself. It is a way to learn about the people who make and eat it. Which of course is the angle that I am taking in my book. Obviously, I describe the foods themselves, their origins and history, and other interesting things about them. But beyond that, I use them as […]
Jews Were the Original Culinary Movers and Shakers (Literally)
In my post about Bourekas, I touched on some of the culinary results of the Jewish forced migration following the Spanish Expulsion of 1492. Primarily, however, that focused on the effect it had on a Jewish food (i.e. an internally-focused discussion). In a later post about foods whose Jewish connection was less known, I spoke more about how our moves […]
The Sephardi-Style Eggs that are Not Just for Sephardim
Huevos haminados, eggs cooked slowly through the night, are one of the most recognizable foods of the Sephardic kitchen. But in fact, the uniquely Jewish cooking method long predates its popularity among the Jewish community in Spain. With the Spanish Expulsion of 1492, it spread widely to other Jewish communities while simultaneously remaining a hallmark of Sephardic cuisine. * * […]
Bagel, Knish & Haroset, Oh My! (On Books About Iconic Jewish Foods)
Of all the books I’ve come across during my research into Jewish Food, there are many wonderful ones (and some that are less great, too, of course). They fall into a wide array of categories, from cookbooks to histories, dry-but-informative academic texts to just entertaining (whether more or less informative). One of the more interesting breakdowns I’ve encountered is how […]
Jews of Booze: When 25% of World Jewry Worked in the Alcohol Biz
If I say “Jews in the alcohol business,” what springs to mind? Many of you probably think of the major kosher wineries. Others realize that pretty much all of the alcohol produced and sold in Israel – beer, spirits and wine – is made by Jews. And the hipsters out there might highlight some boutique Jewish distilleries around the world. […]