18 Jewish Foods podcast logo, Joel Haber. Picture of a bowl of malida, being held by a Jewish woman's hands, Shulie Madnick, FoodWanderings

Episode 16 – Malida: Food Customs of Lesser-Known Jews

The diversity of the Jewish people is much broader than simply the large communities of Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the US. Perhaps most fascinating is uncovering small, or lesser-known Jewish communities around the world.

This episode is dedicated to them, and their foods. The Bene Israel are one of the ancient Jewish communities in India, and Malida — both the dish and the ceremony it accompanies — signifies one of the unique elements of their identity. But it is no less Jewish than the foods and practices of more recognized communities.

Additionally, in this episode, I look briefly at foods and customs of the Beta Israel of Ethiopia, Romaniote Jews from Greece, Kavkazi or Mountain Jews, and the Surinamese Jewish community, among others.

Interview: Shulie Madnick

NOTE: I am in full-on Rosh Hashana prep mode. Full episode notes will come as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!

Episode Notes
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