Category: What is…?
What is Kubbeh?
Kubbeh, also known as kibbeh, kobeba, and any number of other variations, is less a food than a class of foods. It encompasses a whole host of different dishes that are mostly related to each other, but still very different. All are very beloved to the people who eat them, and while some types are strongly associated with Jews, others […]
What is T’bit?
With the specific history of Jews in the Arab world, particularly in the latter half of the 20th century, but also over the preceding century, it is easy to overlook the fact that masses of Jews lived throughout the Middle East for millennia. This is of course reflected in the third major classification category of Jews, afer Ashkenazi and Sephardi: […]
What is Indian Jewish Food?
Did you know there are uniquely Jewish foods in India? Did you even know there were Indian Jews? (I hope so, though I’m sure that at least a few of you were unaware.) Indian Jewish Food is complex, so I want to write this new primer to give you a summary of what makes up the cuisine of the Jews […]
What Are Keftes de Prasa?
Unlike my previous “What is…” post, this one does not look at a sub-community’s cuisine, but at a dish that is widely eaten by many different sub-communities. Keftes de Prasa, in brief, are leek fritters, beloved and eaten extensively throughout the Sephardic diaspora. From the above picture, you can see they look rather similar to potato latkes, but with some […]
What is Bukharian Food?
This post is the first of a new recurring feature on the site. I will be writing short posts to explain specific Jewish cuisines or dishes that may be less familiar to many readers. These will be less about analysis, and more primers or descriptions. So if you want to know what Bukharian food is, this is your place to […]